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Wild Abruzzo: Costa dei Trabocchi

Alla conquista della libertà, pedalando con il mare all’orizzonte, tra natura borghi e sapori

Kilometers traveled
Beauty of nature
0 %
Villages and Cities
0 %
Taste & Tasting
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Kilometers traveled
Beauty of nature
0 %
Villages and Cities
0 %
Taste & Tasting
0 %

What to expect

Quello che faremo non è un semplice viaggio in bici, ma un’esperienza che ti farà sentire vivo, libero e in armonia con la natura.

Rivivi la storia e le leggende degli antichi pescatori dei trabocchi, lasciati accarezzare da un’atmosfera rigenerante che il mar Adriatico contribuisce a creare mentre pedali lungo la Via Verde.

Ti accompagneremo alla scoperta dei luoghi più suggestivi di questo angolo di paradiso, assaporando i sapori autentici della cucina abruzzese.

La bici ci porterà nel cuore di un’avventura indimenticabile per corpo e mente. Stai già sognando il vento tra i capelli, vero?


  • Viaggio sensoriale
  • Sapori autentici della tradizione abruzzese
  • Un tuffo nel passato con i trabocchi
  • Profonda connessione con la natura incontaminata a Punta Aderci

The Stages of the Tour

Day 1

Il profumo del salmastro che si mescola a quello della pineta ti dà un benvenuto rigenerante!

Sei a Fossacesia, una gemma della costa abruzzese da cui partiremo per questo viaggio emozionante verso Rocca San Giovanni.

Pedalando lungo la Via Verde della Costa dei Trabocchi, ti troverai catapultato in un’altra epoca. Ammira gli antichi trabocchi, affascinanti costruzioni in legno che sembrano sospese sul mare, e immagina la vita dei pescatori di un tempo.

Osserva i dettagli: le rocce scolpite dal mare, i borghi arroccati sulle colline, i fari che guidano i naviganti. Ascolta il rumore delle onde che si infrangono sugli scogli, il canto degli uccelli e il fruscio delle foglie.

Un aperitivo con prodotti tipici locali, al tramonto sui trabocchi, sarà l’esperienza TOP del giorno!

Km percorsi giornalmente: giorno 1 – 25km

Costa dei Trabocchi
Costa dei Trabocchi

Day 2

Preparati per un’altra giornata emozionante, dove la maestosità della natura incontaminata regna sovrana.

Ci addentriamo nella Riserva Naturale Regionale di Punta Aderci, un autentico patrimonio di biodiversità della costa abruzzese. Qui, un fitto reticolo di sentieri ci permetterà di pedalare circondati dalla ricca macchia mediterranea e da una variegata e sorprendente fauna protetta.

I suoni e i profumi lungo questo percorso ti porteranno in una dimensione selvaggia, esattamente come buona parte di questa splendida regione.

Di rientro a Fossacesia, faremo un altro viaggio, questa volta di tipo culinario, per pranzare con i meravigliosi prodotti locali, cucinati secondo la tradizione di questa terra.

Terminato l’itinerario, la malinconia arriverà per ricordarti che è ora di tornare a casa, ma lo faremo con un bagaglio arricchito di tantissime emozioni da raccontare.

Km percorsi giornalmente: giorno 2 – 40km

Costa dei Trabocchi
Costa dei Trabocchi

What is included

What is not included





1 notte - 2 giorni

Height Difference

200 mt

Road Surface

50% Asfalto 50% Sterrato

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 09.10.03

Make a difference

For every bike trip you purchase with us, we will plant a tree. Your tree will be photographed, geolocated, and will have its own online page where you can follow the story of the project you are part of.

Get the Roma'N Bike Card

Book this Tour and get the Roma'N Bike Card for free! You'll gain access to a world of exclusive offers and breathtaking attractions.

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 09.10.03

Make a difference

For every bike trip you purchase with us, we will plant a tree. Your tree will be photographed, geolocated, and will have its own online page where you can follow the story of the project you are part of.

Get the Roma'N Bike Card

Book this Tour and get a free Roma'N Bike Card! 
You will access a world of exclusive offers and breathtaking attractions.

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For tablet in landscape mode!

Book Now

What to know before booking


Discovering the city by bicycle is an environmentally friendly and responsible way to travel that respects the environment and cultural heritage.
Non-pollution, however, means much more: don't leave a trace of your passage, don't abandon waste.
We will be visiting places of worship, so wear appropriate clothing.
We will pass through green areas and archaeological sites, not picking up objects, damaging plants or disturbing animals in order to keep the protected territory untouched.
Resources are precious for the whole planet: do not waste water and energy.
Accommodations have internal regulations that we ask you to follow to ensure the efficiency of services to all guests.


  1. Departure is guaranteed upon reaching the minimum number of participants (in this case the number is 8). In case this does not happen you can change your trip or ask us for a full refund of the paid fee.
  2. Electric bike is not included in the total cost of the trip (unless extra rental option selected).
  3. Pack the perfect bag for your bike trip! Traveling light is essential to fully enjoy a bicycle tour. Remember that your luggage will be with you the whole way, so bring only what is really necessary and leave items that can weigh down your pedaling at home. Don't have the right bags? No problem! You can rent them directly from us. Send us a photo of your bike via WhatsApp and we will recommend the best bags for your needs.
  4. To participate with your own bike, you need our approval of the bike: send us photos of your bike to +39 3510043528. Specify the model, battery specifications and any useful details to understand its suitability.
  5. For organizational reasons, the hotel may place participants in another related facility, with equal treatment. Some hotels may require a credit card at check in to guarantee any consumption or extra services (minibar, spa entrance,...). The card is released at check out.
  6. The itinerary may be subject to changes before and/or during the vacation due to organizational reasons, weather conditions (to be understood as heavy thunderstorms only and not drizzle) or provisions of local authorities. No reimbursement will be given for changes or failure of the program due to the above causes. In case of closures not foreseeable at the time of program publication, we will substitute the planned visit with other places of interest.
  7. We expect you to be fit to tackle this route: check well the level of difficulty and the characteristics of the route, and ask us for help if you have any doubts. It is essential to know how to ride a bicycle with a minimum of experience in its use. Persons deemed by our guide to be unfit for the trip, or with physical issues that preclude the safe conduct of the tour, will not be admitted to the group. There will be no refund for people who are not FIT.
  8. Please indicate at the time of booking any allergies, intolerances or dietary habits (e.g. vegetarian, vegan diet...). We will notify the facilities of your request. To be safe, bring a small supply of special foods (e.g., gluten-free) with you.
  9. Remember to check out on the morning of the last day, right after breakfast, so as not to leave any documents required at the hotel during check in.
  10. Remember to charge the E-Bike battery overnight so that you have all the levels to ride the next day.

Additional information

  • You can book your trip up to 7 days before the start date.
  • Accident insurance is not included and can be had at an extra cost of 5 euros.
  • The hotel at which you will stay overnight (B&B category or 3* Hotel) will be communicated to you 1 week before departure.



  • Comfortable and layered, depending on the season
  • Rainproof (jacket, pants, shoe covers)
  • Comfortable shoes for pedaling, not smooth-soled shoes
  • leisure shoes
  • Backpack on your shoulders.
  • Sunglasses, also useful against insects
  • Bandana, preferred over hat (you will wear a helmet)

Backpack on your shoulders.

  • Sunglasses, also useful against insects
  • bandana, preferred over hat (you will wear a helmet)

Drugs & co.

  • generic and personal medications
  • insect repellent
  • sunscreen and chapstick


  • camera
  • phone charger
  • water bottle

Meeting Point

Fossacesia, (Chieti)
(The exact address of the meeting point will be announced one week before departure)

Cancellation Policy

You can cancel your trip reservation without penalty up to 1 month before departure. If you purchased the trip with the "Secure Booking" option, you can cancel the trip up to 1 week before, getting 100% of the refund.

Talk to us

Do you have any doubts?

Want to make a reservation and need help?

Have you rented a bike and need assistance?

Send a photo of the problem and forward your location for faster help

Talk to us

Do you have any doubts?

Do you want to book and need help?

Have you rented a bike and need assistance?

Send a photo of the problem and forward your location for quicker assistance

Meeting Point

Lungotevere delle armi, 44
Meet your guide at "BicycleRoma Bike Point"

Cancellation Policy

You can cancel your travel reservation without penalty up to 1 month before departure. If you purchased the trip with the "Secure Booking" option, you can cancel the trip up to 1 week before, obtaining a 100% refund.

Further information

  • You can book your trip up to 7days before the start date.
  • Accident insurance is not included and can be had at an extra cost of 5 euros.
  • The hotel where you will stay (category B&B or 3* Hotel) will be communicated to you 1 week before departure.


  • comfortable and layered, depending on the season
  • rain gear (jacket, pants, shoe covers)
  • comfortable shoes for cycling, not smooth-soled
  • shoes for free time
  • backpack
  • sunglasses, also useful against insects
  • bandana, preferable to a hat (you will wear a helmet)

    Medicines & co.
  • generic and personal medicines
  • insect repellent
  • protective sunscreen and lip balm

  • room
  • phone charger
  • water bottle

What to know before

Discovering the city by bicycle is an ecological and responsible way of traveling, which respects the environment and cultural heritage. Not polluting, however, means much more: leave no trace of your passage, don't leave waste. We will visit places of religion, so please wear appropriate clothing. We will cross green areas and archaeological sites, do not take objects, damage plants or disturb animals to keep the protected territory unaltered. Resources are precious for the whole planet: don't waste water and energy. The accommodation facilities have internal regulations that we ask you to respect to guarantee the efficiency of services for all guests.


  1. Departure is guaranteed when the minimum number of participants is reached (in this case 2 people). If this does not happen, you can change your trip or ask us for a full refund of the amount paid.

  2. For organizational reasons, the hotel could accommodate the participants in another connected structure, with equal treatment. Some hotel facilities may request a credit card at check-in as a guarantee for any consumption or extra services (minibar, spa entrances,...). The card is unlocked at check out.

  3. The itinerary may change before and/or during the holiday for organizational reasons, climatic conditions (to be understood exclusively as strong thunderstorms and not drizzle) or for provisions of the local authorities. No refund will be provided for changes or failure to carry out the program for the reasons cited above. In the event of closures that cannot be foreseen at the time of publication of the program, we will replace the scheduled visit with other places of interest.

  4. We look forward to seeing you in good shape to tackle this itinerary: carefully check the level of difficulty and the characteristics of the route, and ask us for any help in case of doubts. It is essential to know how to ride a bicycle with a minimum of experience in using it. People deemed by our guide to be unsuitable for the trip, or with physical problems that preclude the tour from being carried out safely, will not be admitted to the group. There will be no refund for non-ELIGIBLE people.

  5. Please indicate at the time of booking any allergies, intolerances or eating habits (e.g. vegetarian, vegan diet...). We will notify the facilities of your request. To be safe, bring a small supply of special foods (e.g. gluten-free) with you.

  6. Remember to check out on the morning of the second day, immediately after breakfast, so as not to leave any documents requested during check-in at the hotel. In fact, at the end of the tour you will not return to the hotel, your luggage will be transported by our transfer service directly to the rental point (meeting point).

  7. The luggage transfer service included in the package includes only and exclusively one small/medium-sized trolley per person. Any other additional baggage can be transported upon prior request and extra payment.

  8. Remember to charge the E-Bike battery overnight so you have all the levels for pedaling the following day.

Meeting Point

Gioia Del Colle (Bari)
(The exact address of the meeting point will be announced one week before departure)

Meeting Point

Foligno (Perugia)
(The exact address of the meeting point will be announced one week before departure)

Meeting Point

Buonconvento (Siena)
(The exact address of the meeting point will be announced one week before departure)

Meeting Point

Amantea (Cosenza)
(The exact address of the meeting point will be announced one week before departure)

Meeting Point

Lungotevere delle armi, 44
Bicycle Roma Bike Rental Point

Meeting Point

Castel del Monte (AQ)
(The exact address of the meeting point will be announced one week before departure)

Meeting Point

Montepulciano (Siena)
(The exact address of the meeting point will be announced one week before departure)

Meeting Point

Orvieto (Terni)
(The exact address of the meeting point will be announced one week before departure)

Meeting Point

(The exact address of the meeting point will be announced one week before departure)

Meeting Point

Siena (SI)
(The exact address of the meeting point will be announced one week before departure)

Meeting Point

Spoleto (Perugia)
(The exact address of the meeting point will be announced one week before departure)

Additional information

  • You can book your trip up to 7 days before the start date.
  • Accident insurance is not included and can be had at an extra cost of 5 euros.
  • The hotel at which you will stay overnight (B&B category or 3* Hotel) will be communicated to you 1 week before departure.



  • Comfortable and layered, depending on the season
  • Rainproof (jacket, pants, shoe covers)
  • Comfortable shoes for pedaling, not smooth-soled shoes
  • leisure shoes

Backpack on your shoulders.

  • Sunglasses, also useful against insects
  • bandana, preferred over hat (you will wear a helmet)

Drugs & co.

  • generic and personal medications
  • insect repellent
  • sunscreen and chapstick


  • camera
  • phone charger
  • water bottle

Meeting Point

Ostuni (Brindisi)
(The exact address of the meeting point will be announced one week before departure)

Meeting Point

What to bring:

Comfortable and layered clothing, depending on the season.

  • Rainproof (jacket, pants, shoe covers)
  • Comfortable shoes, preferably not with a smooth sole.
  • Backpack on your shoulders.
  • Essentials for the lake excursion (swimsuit, flip-flops, towel, change of clothes for the return).
  • Sunglasses, also useful against insects
  • Bandana or hat.

    Medications & essentials

  • Generic and personal medicines
  • Insect Repellent
  • Protective sunscreen and chapstick


  • Camera
  • Power bank to recharge your devices if needed. 
  • Water bottle

What to know before booking

  • The start time for WOODS CAMP DISCOVER is 3:00 PM. You will need to arrive at the meeting point approximately 30 minutes earlier.
  • The departure is guaranteed upon reaching a minimum of 4 participants. If this requirement is not met, you can either change your trip or request a full refund of the amount paid.
  • This experience requires a minimum spirit of adaptability, and we recommend traveling light, with only the essentials in a backpack. We are in the forest, so don’t expect the comfort of a suite—but don’t worry! Basic restroom facilities are available!
  • Please indicate at the time of booking any allergies, intolerances or dietary habits (e.g. vegetarian, vegan diet...). We will notify the facilities of your request. To be safe, bring a small supply of special foods (e.g., gluten-free) with you.
  • If you want to join WOODS CAMP but are coming from Rome with a trolley or other luggage, contact us! We will guide you to a secure luggage storage facility.
  • In the event of unforeseen closures at the time of program publication, we will replace the scheduled visit with other points of interest. The itinerary may be subject to changes before and/or during the trip due to organizational reasons, weather conditions (limited to heavy storms and not light rain), or local authority regulations. No refunds will be provided for changes or the inability to carry out the program due to the above-mentioned reasons.
  • We expect you to be in good shape to tackle this itinerary: carefully check the difficulty level and activity details, and reach out to us if you have any doubts. Participants deemed unfit for the experience by our guide or with physical conditions that prevent them from safely taking part in the activities will not be admitted to the group. No refunds will be provided for participants deemed unfit.
  • In case of a thunderstorm (heavy rain), the experience can be rescheduled, subject to availability, within 10 days of the original booking date.
  • Smoking is not allowed
  • Animals are not allowed
  • Let’s appreciate the beauty of nature, but remember that we are guests in it. We must respect the animals and plants around us: ants and insects have their home here. Let’s keep the ecosystem intact. Dominating is not living. Sharing is the real adventure.
  • The land where WOODS CAMP takes place is privately owned and equipped to host the activities of the partner farm.

What to know before booking

  • The right spirit for a night in StarsBOX is that of glamping, meaning you should be aware that it does not offer the same comforts as a hotel but rest assured that you’ll find everything you need to fully enjoy this unique experience.
  • The StarsBOX does not have a bathroom, but there is one nearby. It’s a small bathroom but has everything you need: a toilet, a small sink, and an outdoor shower with hot water.
  • Towels are not included, but you can add them to your booking as an extra.
  • Upon request, the StarsBOX can be “set up” for special occasions if notified at the time of booking and by paying an additional agreed-upon fee.
  • If you add children or teens (0-17) to your reservation, the rate guarantees extra bedding.
  • In case of a THUNDERSTORM (heavy rain), the experience can be rescheduled depending on availability within 10 days of the original booking date.
  • What to bring: comfortable clothing, a backpack, a water bottle, and mosquito repellent if needed.
  • The StarsBOX is located within a private property, so it is not permitted to roam freely around the estate without wearing clothes.
  • Let’s appreciate the beauty of nature, but remember that we are guests in it. We must respect the animals and plants around us: ants and insects have their home here. Let’s keep the ecosystem intact. Dominating is not living. Sharing is the real adventure.
  • Please note that the product photos are for promotional purposes. The included amenities are specified in the dedicated section.

What to know before booking

  • The right spirit for a night in StarsBOX is that of glamping, meaning you should be aware that it does not offer the same comforts as a hotel but rest assured that you’ll find everything you need to fully enjoy this unique experience.
  • The StarsBOX does not have a bathroom, but there is one nearby. It’s a small bathroom but has everything you need: a toilet, a small sink, and an outdoor shower with hot water.
  • Towels are not included, but you can add them to your booking as an extra.
  • Upon request, the StarsBOX can be “set up” for special occasions if notified at the time of booking and by paying an additional agreed-upon fee.
  • If you add children or teens (0-17) to your reservation, the rate guarantees extra bedding.
  • If you add children (0-5) to your booking, the rate includes the overnight stay and participation in the tour in a bike seat.
  • If you add teenagers (6-17) to your booking, the rate includes the overnight stay, an extra bike, and participation in the tour.
  • In case of a THUNDERSTORM (heavy rain), the experience can be rescheduled depending on availability within 10 days of the original booking date.
  • What to bring: comfortable clothing, a backpack, a water bottle, and mosquito repellent if needed.
  • The StarsBOX is located within a private property, so it is not permitted to roam freely around the estate without wearing clothes.
  • Let’s appreciate the beauty of nature, but remember that we are guests in it. We must respect the animals and plants around us: ants and insects have their home here. Let’s keep the ecosystem intact. Dominating is not living. Sharing is the real adventure.
  • Please note that the product photos are for promotional purposes. The included amenities are specified in the dedicated section.

Useful Info

  • Check-in: from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, unless otherwise agreed in advance.
  • Check-out: by 10:00 AM.
  • Late check-in has an extra cost of €20.
  • Bringing outside food is not allowed as per the farm's regulations.
  • Self-service breakfast cannot be consumed inside the StarsBOX but should be enjoyed in the outdoor area of the pitch. Nearby, you will find everything you need to prepare your coffee or tea.
  • Maximum capacity of the StarsBOX: 2 adults + 2 children (0-8 years old). Children sleep in the same bed as their parents.
  • Smoking is not allowed
  • Animals are not allowed

What to know before booking

  • The right spirit for a night in StarsBOX is that of glamping, meaning you should be aware that it does not offer the same comforts as a hotel but rest assured that you’ll find everything you need to fully enjoy this unique experience.
  • The StarsBOX does not have a bathroom, but there is one nearby. It’s a small bathroom but has everything you need: a toilet, a small sink, and an outdoor shower with hot water.
  • The private yoga class is suitable for all levels of experience, lasts 1 hour and starts at 7 p.m. unless time changes based on daylight hours.
  • Towels are not included, but you can add them to your booking as an extra.
  • Upon request, the StarsBOX can be “set up” for special occasions if notified at the time of booking and by paying an additional agreed-upon fee.
  • If you add children or teens (0-17) to your reservation, the rate guarantees extra bedding.
  • If you add children (0-5) to your booking, the rate includes the overnight stay and participation in the tour in a bike seat.
  • If you add teenagers (6-17) to your booking, the rate includes the overnight stay, an extra bike, and participation in the tour.
  • In case of a THUNDERSTORM (heavy rain), the experience can be rescheduled depending on availability within 10 days of the original booking date.
  • What to bring: comfortable clothing, a backpack, a water bottle, and mosquito repellent if needed.
  • The StarsBOX is located within a private property, so it is not permitted to roam freely around the estate without wearing clothes.
  • Let’s appreciate the beauty of nature, but remember that we are guests in it. We must respect the animals and plants around us: ants and insects have their home here. Let’s keep the ecosystem intact. Dominating is not living. Sharing is the real adventure.
  • Please note that the product photos are for promotional purposes. The included amenities are specified in the dedicated section.

What to know before booking

  • The right spirit for a night in StarsBOX is that of glamping, meaning you should be aware that it does not offer the same comforts as a hotel but rest assured that you’ll find everything you need to fully enjoy this unique experience.
  • The StarsBOX does not have a bathroom, but there is one nearby. It’s a small bathroom but has everything you need: a toilet, a small sink, and an outdoor shower with hot water.
  • Towels are not included, but you can add them to your booking as an extra.
  • Upon request, the StarsBOX can be “set up” for special occasions if notified at the time of booking and by paying an additional agreed-upon fee.
  • If you add children or teens (0-17) to your reservation, the rate guarantees extra bedding.
  • If you add children (0-5) to your booking, the rate includes the overnight stay and participation in the tour in a bike seat.
  • If you add teenagers (6-17) to your booking, the rate includes the overnight stay, an extra bike, and participation in the tour.
  • In case of a THUNDERSTORM (heavy rain), the experience can be rescheduled depending on availability within 10 days of the original booking date.
  • What to bring: comfortable clothing, a backpack, a water bottle, and mosquito repellent if needed.
  • The StarsBOX is located within a private property, so it is not permitted to roam freely around the estate without wearing clothes.
  • Let’s appreciate the beauty of nature, but remember that we are guests in it. We must respect the animals and plants around us: ants and insects have their home here. Let’s keep the ecosystem intact. Dominating is not living. Sharing is the real adventure.
  • Please note that the product photos are for promotional purposes. The included amenities are specified in the dedicated section.

Useful Info

  • Check-in: from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, unless otherwise agreed in advance.
  • Check-out: by 10:00 AM.
  • Late check-in has an extra cost of €20.
  • Bringing outside food is not allowed as per the farm's regulations.
  • Self-service breakfast cannot be consumed inside the StarsBOX but should be enjoyed in the outdoor area of the pitch. Nearby, you will find everything you need to prepare your coffee or tea.
  • The guided tour lasts approximately 3 hours, starts directly from the StarsBOX, and begins at 4:00 PM.
  • Maximum capacity of the StarsBOX: 2 adults + 2 children (0-8 years old). Children sleep in the same bed as their parents.
  • Smoking is not allowed
  • Animals are not allowed

Cancellation Policy

  • Refund in case of cancellation at least 7 days before the event
  • Change of date 1 time free
  • Gift Cards and Vouchers are non-refundable.

Meeting Point

Useful Info

  • Check-in: from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, unless otherwise agreed in advance.
  • Check-out: by 10:00 AM.
  • The vineyard tour starts at 9:40 PM, so please be on time for dinner at 8:00 PM.
  • Late check-in has an extra cost of €20.
  • Bringing outside food is not allowed as per the farm's regulations.
  • Self-service breakfast cannot be consumed inside the StarsBOX but should be enjoyed in the outdoor area of the pitch. Nearby, you will find everything you need to prepare your coffee or tea.
  • The guided tour lasts approximately 3 hours, starts directly from the StarsBOX, and begins at 4:00 PM.
  • Maximum capacity of the StarsBOX: 2 adults + 2 children (0-8 years old). Children sleep in the same bed as their parents.
  • Smoking is not allowed
  • Animals are not allowed

What to know before booking

  • The right spirit for a night in StarsBOX is that of glamping, meaning you should be aware that it does not offer the same comforts as a hotel but rest assured that you’ll find everything you need to fully enjoy this unique experience.
  • The StarsBOX does not have a bathroom, but there is one nearby. It’s a small bathroom but has everything you need: a toilet, a small sink, and an outdoor shower with hot water.
  • Towels are not included, but you can add them to your booking as an extra.
  • Once you have completed check-in, drive to the vineyard following the instructions sent by the host.
  • Upon request, the StarsBOX can be “set up” for special occasions if notified at the time of booking and by paying an additional agreed-upon fee.
  • If you add children or teens (0-17) to your reservation, the rate guarantees extra bedding.
  • If you add children (0-5) to your booking, the rate includes the overnight stay and participation in the tour in a bike seat.
  • If you add teenagers (6-17) to your booking, the rate includes the overnight stay, an extra bike, and participation in the tour.
  • In case of a THUNDERSTORM (heavy rain), the experience can be rescheduled depending on availability within 10 days of the original booking date.
  • What to bring: comfortable clothing, a backpack, a water bottle, and mosquito repellent if needed.
  • The StarsBOX is located within a private property, so it is not permitted to roam freely around the estate without wearing clothes.
  • Let’s appreciate the beauty of nature, but remember that we are guests in it. We must respect the animals and plants around us: ants and insects have their home here. Let’s keep the ecosystem intact. Dominating is not living. Sharing is the real adventure.
  • Please note that the product photos are for promotional purposes. The included amenities are specified in the dedicated section.

Best to Know Before

  • Do you need a child seat (up to 20 kg)? Let us know at the time of booking and we will provide it for free!
  • If your height falls between two sizes, we usually recommend the smaller option for a more comfortable ride.
  • Our e-bikes are suitable for cyclists with a height of 150 cm or taller.
  • Unfortunately, we currently do not have e-bikes for children under 150 cm.
  • Are you planning a multi-day adventure? Please check with your accommodation if they have a secure storage area for bicycles.
  • We strongly advise against leaving bicycles on the street overnight.
  • For the best experience on the Via Appia Antica, we recommend using a mountain bike (MTB) instead of a city bike.

Meeting Point

Meeting Point

What to know before booking


  • Do you need a child seat (up to 20 kg)? Let us know at the time of booking and we will provide it for free!
  • If your height falls between two sizes, we usually recommend the smaller option for a more comfortable ride.
  • Our e-bikes are suitable for cyclists with a height of 140 cm or taller.
  • Are you planning a multi-day adventure? Please check with your accommodation if they have a secure storage area for bicycles. We strongly advise against leaving bicycles on the street overnight.
  • For the best experience on the Via Appia Antica, we recommend using a mountain bike (MTB) instead of a city bike.

Meeting Point

Best to Know Before

  • Is the tour safe? We want your cycling experience in Rome to be unforgettable and, above all, safe. For this reason, we have carefully selected our itineraries, favoring quiet roads with little traffic. Furthermore, our expert guides will accompany you at all times, providing you with all the necessary information and making sure you always feel at ease. You will be able to relax, admire the views and discover the city in a unique and authentic way.
  • The "group tour" starts with a minimum of 4 participants, if this number is not reached, you will be offered an alternative or a full refund.
  • Our group tours are up to 10 people.
  • This tour takes place in the center of villages and on wooded trails.
  • Minors can participate in the trip starting from the age of 16.
  • A minimum amount of experience with the vehicle is required (more if the bike will have a child seat or extension).
  • The guide, after a briefing, reserves the absolute and unquestionable right not to admit participants not deemed suitable due to skills or problems related to body/mind health to the tour, no refund will be issued in these cases.
  • The tour can be attended by anyone from 16 to 79 years old.
  • In the case of official/public celebrations and events in the center of the city of Rome, the tour operator can replace one or more of the highlights of the itinerary.
  • Not suitable for pets.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.

Cancellation Policy

  • Early cancellation, guaranteed refund: if you cancel your reservation at least 48 days before the event, we will refund the full amount.
  • With Book Safe, your reservation is protected: guaranteed refund in case of cancellation up to 24 hours before the event.
  • Gift Cards and Vouchers are non-refundable.

Meeting Point

What to know before booking

  • Do you need a child seat (up to 20 kg)? Let us know at the time of booking and we will provide it for free!
  • If your height falls between two sizes, we usually recommend the smaller option for a more comfortable ride.
  • Our e-bikes are suitable for cyclists with a height of 140 cm or taller.

What to bring:

What to put in your backpack:

  • Water bottle or camelback: Essential to stay hydrated during the journey.
  • Sunglasses: To protect yourself from the sun's rays.
  • Cycling gloves: For a better grip on the handlebars and to protect your hands from any falls.
  • Technical clothing: Choose breathable and comfortable clothing, suitable for the temperatures and weather conditions (if you are not used to spending many hours on the bike, wear shorts with padding)
  • Windbreaker and k-way: Essential in case of sudden changes in the weather.
  • Smartphone and camera
  • External battery: To charge your smartphone during the journey.
  • Energy snacks: Bars, dried fruit, energy gels to recharge your batteries.
  • Sunscreen: To protect yourself from sunburn.
  • Identity document: Essential for any eventuality.
  • Wallet: With cash and credit cards.
  • Health card: For any eventuality.
  • Change of shirt: In case you get wet or sweat excessively.

Best to Know Before

  • Is the tour safe? We want your cycling experience in Rome to be unforgettable and, above all, safe. For this reason, we have carefully selected our itineraries, favoring quiet roads with little traffic. Furthermore, our expert guides will accompany you at all times, providing you with all the necessary information and making sure you always feel at ease. You will be able to relax, admire the views and discover the city in a unique and authentic way.
  • The "group tour" starts with a minimum of 4 participants, if this number is not reached, you will be offered an alternative or a full refund.
  • Our group tours are up to 10 people.
  • This tour takes place in the center of the village and along wooded paths
  • Minors can participate in the trip starting from the age of 16.
  • A minimum amount of experience with the vehicle is required (more if the bike will have a child seat or extension).
  • The guide, after a briefing, reserves the absolute and unquestionable right not to admit participants not deemed suitable due to skills or problems related to body/mind health to the tour, no refund will be issued in these cases.
  • The tour can be attended by anyone from 16 to 79 years old.
  • In the case of official/public celebrations and events in the center of the city of Rome, the tour operator can replace one or more of the highlights of the itinerary.
  • Not suitable for pets.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.

Best to Know Before

  • Is the tour safe? We want your cycling experience in Rome to be unforgettable and, above all, safe. For this reason, we have carefully selected our itineraries, favoring quiet roads with little traffic. Furthermore, our expert guides will accompany you at all times, providing you with all the necessary information and making sure you always feel at ease. You will be able to relax, admire the views and discover the city in a unique and authentic way.
  • The "group tour" starts with a minimum of 4 participants, if this number is not reached, you will be offered an alternative or a full refund.
  • Our group tours are up to 10 people.
  • This tour takes place in the center of the village and along wooded paths
  • A minimum amount of experience with the vehicle is required (more if the bike will have a child seat or extension).
  • The guide, after a briefing, reserves the absolute and unquestionable right not to admit participants not deemed suitable due to skills or problems related to body/mind health to the tour, no refund will be issued in these cases.
  • The tour can be attended by anyone from 16 to 79 years old.
  • In the case of official/public celebrations and events in the center of the city of Rome, the tour operator can replace one or more of the highlights of the itinerary.
  • Not suitable for pets.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.

Best to Know Before

  • Is the tour safe? We want your cycling experience in Rome to be unforgettable and, above all, safe. For this reason, we have carefully selected our itineraries, favoring quiet roads with little traffic. Furthermore, our expert guides will accompany you at all times, providing you with all the necessary information and making sure you always feel at ease. You will be able to relax, admire the views and discover the city in a unique and authentic way.
  • The "group tour" starts with a minimum of 4 participants, if this number is not reached, you will be offered an alternative or a full refund.
  • Our group tours are up to 10 people.
  • 95% of this tour takes place on the cycle path. The remaining 5% you will cycle safely on the pavement.
  • A minimum amount of experience with the vehicle is required (more if the bike will have a child seat or extension).
  • The guide, after a briefing, reserves the absolute and unquestionable right not to admit participants not deemed suitable due to skills or problems related to body/mind health to the tour, no refund will be issued in these cases.
  • Infants up to 20 kg traveling in a child seat and participating in the tour as our guests.
  • Children up to 139cm join the tour with a children's extension.
  • Children can ride their E-bike from the age of 12.
  • In the case of official/public celebrations and events in the center of the city of Rome, the tour operator can replace one or more of the highlights of the itinerary.
  • Not suitable for pets.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.

Meeting Point

To reach us at Circus Maximus you can use the Metro, which has its own stop of the same name.
If you want to be more comfortable, come to us by cab

Best to Know Before

  • Is the tour safe? We want your cycling experience in Rome to be unforgettable and, above all, safe. For this reason, we have carefully selected our itineraries, favoring quiet roads with little traffic. Furthermore, our expert guides will accompany you at all times, providing you with all the necessary information and making sure you always feel at ease. You will be able to relax, admire the views and discover the city in a unique and authentic way.
  • The "group tour" starts with a minimum of 4 participants, if this number is not reached, you will be offered an alternative or a full refund.
  • Our group tours are up to 10 people.
  • About 90% of this tour takes place on the Roman cobblestones of the Via Appia Antica. There is no car traffic, as only residents' cars have access. There are only two crossings when we leave the Appia Antica Regional Park to enter the Aqueducts Park; and when we go from Tor Fiscale Park to Caffarella Park.
  • The duration of the shuttle ride from the Circus Maximus to the Via Appia Antica is about 20 minutes.
  • A minimum amount of experience with the vehicle is required (more if the bike will have a child seat or extension).
  • The guide, after a briefing, reserves the absolute and unquestionable right not to admit participants not deemed suitable due to skills or problems related to body/mind health to the tour, no refund will be issued in these cases.
  • Infants up to 20 kg traveling in a child seat and participating in the tour as our guests.
  • Children up to 139cm join the tour with a children's extension.
  • Children can ride their E-bike from the age of 12.
  • In the case of official/public celebrations and events in the center of the city of Rome, the tour operator can replace one or more of the highlights of the itinerary.
  • Not suitable for pets.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.

Meeting Point

To reach us by public transport: Near the Colosseum or the metro Circo Massimo, take bus 118 in the direction of Villa dei Quintili and get off at the Basilica di San Sebastiano stop, then walk for 10 minutes until you reach our bike point. Better still, come to us by taxi

Best to Know Before

  • Is the tour safe? We want your cycling experience in Rome to be unforgettable and, above all, safe. For this reason, we have carefully selected our itineraries, favoring quiet roads with little traffic. Furthermore, our expert guides will accompany you at all times, providing you with all the necessary information and making sure you always feel at ease. You will be able to relax, admire the views and discover the city in a unique and authentic way.
  • The "group tour" starts with a minimum of 4 participants, if this number is not reached, you will be offered an alternative or a full refund.
  • Our group tours are up to 10 people.
  • Approximately 90% of this tour takes place on the Roman paving of the Via Appia Antica. There is no car traffic, as only residents' cars have access. There are only two crossings when we leave the Appia Antica Regional Park to enter the Aqueduct Park; and when we pass from the Tor Fiscale Park to the Caffarella Park
  • A minimum amount of experience with the vehicle is required (more if the bike will have a child seat or extension).
  • The guide, after a briefing, reserves the absolute and unquestionable right not to admit participants not deemed suitable due to skills or problems related to body/mind health to the tour, no refund will be issued in these cases.
  • Infants up to 20 kg traveling in a child seat and participating in the tour as our guests.
  • Children up to 139cm join the tour with a children's extension.
  • Children can ride their E-bike from the age of 12.
  • In the case of official/public celebrations and events in the center of the city of Rome, the tour operator can replace one or more of the highlights of the itinerary.
  • Not suitable for pets.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.

Meeting Point

To reach us by public transport: Near the Colosseum or Circo Massimo metro, take bus 118 towards Villa dei Quintili, and get off at the Basilica di San Sebastiano stop. Here, your guide will welcome you and will lead you on foot to the rental point

Best to Know Before

  • Is the tour safe? We want your cycling experience in Rome to be unforgettable and, above all, safe. For this reason, we have carefully selected our itineraries, favoring quiet roads with little traffic. Furthermore, our expert guides will accompany you at all times, providing you with all the necessary information and making sure you always feel at ease. You will be able to relax, admire the views and discover the city in a unique and authentic way.
  • The "group tour" starts with a minimum of 4 participants, if this number is not reached, you will be offered an alternative or a full refund.
  • Our group tours are up to 10 people.
  • Approximately 90% of this tour takes place on the Roman paving of the Via Appia Antica. There is no car traffic, as only residents' cars have access. There are only two crossings when we leave the Appia Antica Regional Park to enter the Aqueduct Park; and when we pass from the Tor Fiscale Park to the Caffarella Park
  • A minimum amount of experience with the vehicle is required (more if the bike will have a child seat or extension).
  • The guide, after a briefing, reserves the absolute and unquestionable right not to admit participants not deemed suitable due to skills or problems related to body/mind health to the tour, no refund will be issued in these cases.
  • Infants up to 20 kg traveling in a child seat and participating in the tour as our guests.
  • Children up to 139cm join the tour with a children's extension.
  • Children can ride their E-bike from the age of 12.
  • In the case of official/public celebrations and events in the center of the city of Rome, the tour operator can replace one or more of the highlights of the itinerary.
  • Not suitable for pets.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.

Meeting Point

To reach us by public transport: Near the Colosseum or Circo Massimo metro, take bus 118 towards Villa dei Quintili, and get off at the Basilica di San Sebastiano stop. Here, your guide will welcome you and will lead you on foot to the rental point

Best to Know Before

  • Is the tour safe? We want your cycling experience in Rome to be unforgettable and, above all, safe. For this reason, we have carefully selected our itineraries, favoring quiet roads with little traffic. Furthermore, our expert guides will accompany you at all times, providing you with all the necessary information and making sure you always feel at ease. You will be able to relax, admire the views and discover the city in a unique and authentic way.
  • The "group tour" starts with a minimum of 4 participants, if this number is not reached, you will be offered an alternative or a full refund.
  • Our group tours are up to 10 people.
  • About 60% of this tour takes place on the Via Appia Antica. The tour runs on carefully chosen roads, but some traffic is unavoidable to connect the Appian Way to Lake Albano.
  • A minimum amount of experience with the vehicle is required (more if the bike will have a child seat or extension).
  • DOES NOT INCLUDE: (A) food and drinks to give you more freedom in choosing what (and how much) you want to eat. The price of all the things we will taste is usually around €20 – €25. (B) the train ticket for the return is paid by the participants and is not included in the price of the tour, the cost is a maximum of €3.
  • The guide, after a briefing, reserves the absolute and unquestionable right not to admit participants not deemed suitable due to skills or problems related to body/mind health to the tour, no refund will be issued in these cases.
  • Infants up to 20 kg traveling in a child seat and participating in the tour as our guests.
  • Children up to 139cm join the tour with a children's extension.
  • Children can ride their E-bike from the age of 12.
  • In the case of official/public celebrations and events in the center of the city of Rome, the tour operator can replace one or more of the highlights of the itinerary.
  • Not suitable for pets.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.

Meeting Point

To reach us by public transport: Near the Colosseum or Circo Massimo metro, take bus 118 towards Villa dei Quintili, and get off at the Basilica di San Sebastiano stop. In front of Sebastiano Catacombs entrance (next to the drinking fountain), your guide will welcome you and will lead you on foot to the rental point

Best to Know Before

  • Is the tour safe? We want your cycling experience in Rome to be unforgettable and, above all, safe. For this reason, we have carefully selected our itineraries, favoring quiet roads with little traffic. Furthermore, our expert guides will accompany you at all times, providing you with all the necessary information and making sure you always feel at ease. You will be able to relax, admire the views and discover the city in a unique and authentic way.
  • Not suitable for claustrophobic people
  • The "group tour" starts with a minimum of 4 participants, if this number is not reached, you will be offered an alternative or a full refund.
  • Our group tours are up to 10 people.
  • Approximately 90% of this tour takes place on the Roman paving of the Via Appia Antica. There is no car traffic, as only residents' cars have access. There are only two crossings when we leave the Appia Antica Regional Park to enter the Aqueduct Park; and when we pass from the Tor Fiscale Park to the Caffarella Park
  • A minimum amount of experience with the vehicle is required (more if the bike will have a child seat or extension).
  • The guide, after a briefing, reserves the absolute and unquestionable right not to admit participants not deemed suitable due to skills or problems related to body/mind health to the tour, no refund will be issued in these cases.
  • Infants up to 20 kg traveling in a child seat and participating in the tour as our guests.
  • Children up to 139cm join the tour with a children's extension.
  • Children can ride their E-bike from the age of 12.
  • In the case of official/public celebrations and events in the center of the city of Rome, the tour operator can replace one or more of the highlights of the itinerary.
  • Not suitable for pets.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.
  • We recommend bringing a jacket as the temperature inside the Underground is about 15 degrees all year round.

How to reach us

We are located inside the ONDINA GENERALI sports club (blue gate).
To the left of the blue gate there is a RED VERTICAL BILLBOARD.
To enter, press the white button inside the red vertical billboard and then go down the stairs. By public transportation: get off at the "Lepanto" stop on Metro A (red line) and walk for 5 minutes towards Lungotevere.

Best to Know Before

  • Is the tour safe? We want your cycling experience in Rome to be unforgettable and, above all, safe. For this reason, we have carefully selected our itineraries, favoring quiet roads with little traffic. Furthermore, our expert guides will accompany you at all times, providing you with all the necessary information and making sure you always feel at ease. You will be able to relax, admire the views and discover the city in a unique and authentic way.
  • 50% of this tour takes place in the city center on roads open to car traffic. The remaining 50% could take place in the green areas of Rome, on roads closed to traffic.
  • A minimum amount of experience with the vehicle is required (more if the bike will have a child seat or extension).
  • The guide, after a briefing, reserves the absolute and unquestionable right not to admit participants not deemed suitable due to skills or problems related to body/mind health to the tour, no refund will be issued in these cases.
  • Infants up to 20 kg traveling in a child seat and participating in the tour as our guests.
  • Children up to 139cm join the tour with a children's extension.
  • Children can ride their E-bike from the age of 12.
  • In the case of official/public celebrations and events in the center of the city of Rome, the tour operator can replace one or more of the highlights of the itinerary.
  • Not suitable for pets.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.
  • Close to the Lepanto metro (Line A)

Best to Know Before

  • Is the tour safe? We want your cycling experience in Rome to be unforgettable and, above all, safe. For this reason, we have carefully selected our itineraries, favoring quiet roads with little traffic. Furthermore, our expert guides will accompany you at all times, providing you with all the necessary information and making sure you always feel at ease. You will be able to relax, admire the views and discover the city in a unique and authentic way.
  • The "group tour" starts with a minimum of 4 participants, if this number is not reached, you will be offered an alternative or a full refund.
  • Our group tours are up to 10 people.
  • 100% of this tour takes place in the city center on the Tiber cycle path and on roads also open to car traffic but we carefully select the itinerary to ensure that it is safe and simple by choosing secondary roads that are better for traffic.
  • Drinks and food that the guide will recommend during the short stop, where necessary, are never included.
  • A minimum amount of experience with the vehicle is required (more if the bike will have a child seat or extension).
  • The guide, after a briefing, reserves the absolute and unquestionable right not to admit participants not deemed suitable due to skills or problems related to body/mind health to the tour, no refund will be issued in these cases.
  • Infants up to 20 kg traveling in a child seat and participating in the tour as our guests.
  • Children up to 139cm join the tour with a children's extension.
  • Children can ride their E-bike from the age of 12.
  • In the case of official/public celebrations and events in the center of the city of Rome, the tour operator can replace one or more of the highlights of the itinerary.
  • Not suitable for pets.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.
  • Close to the Lepanto metro (Line A)

Best to Know Before

  • The "group tour" starts with a minimum of 4 participants, if this number is not reached, you will be offered an alternative or a full refund.
  • Our group tours are up to 10 people.
  • About 100% of this tour takes place in the city center and on the Tiber bike path. The tour runs on carefully chosen roads, but some traffic is unavoidable.
  • The tour is designed as a presentation of traditional Roman street food, so it is a tasting of our selection, not a full meal. The selected products will be shared among the tour participants.
  • A minimum amount of experience with the vehicle is required (more if the bike will have a child seat or extension).
  • The guide, after a briefing, reserves the absolute and unquestionable right not to admit participants not deemed suitable due to skills or problems related to body/mind health to the tour, no refund will be issued in these cases.
  • Infants up to 20 kg traveling in a child seat and participating in the tour as our guests.
  • Children up to 139cm join the tour with a children's extension.
  • Children can ride their E-bike from the age of 12.
  • In the case of official/public celebrations and events in the center of the city of Rome, the tour operator can replace one or more of the highlights of the itinerary.
  • Not suitable for pets.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.

Best to Know Before

  • Is the tour safe? We want your cycling experience in Rome to be unforgettable and, above all, safe. For this reason, we have carefully selected our itineraries, favoring quiet roads with little traffic. Furthermore, our expert guides will accompany you at all times, providing you with all the necessary information and making sure you always feel at ease. You will be able to relax, admire the views and discover the city in a unique and authentic way.
  • The "group tour" starts with a minimum of 4 participants, if this number is not reached, you will be offered an alternative or a full refund.
  • Our group tours are up to 10 people.
  • About 90% of this tour takes place in the Villa Borghese Park and on the Tiber cycle path. There is no car traffic.
  • A minimum amount of experience with the vehicle is required (more if the bike will have a child seat or extension).
  • The guide, after a briefing, reserves the absolute and unquestionable right not to admit participants not deemed suitable due to skills or problems related to body/mind health to the tour, no refund will be issued in these cases.
  • Infants up to 20 kg traveling in a child seat and participating in the tour as our guests.
  • Children up to 139cm join the tour with a children's extension.
  • Children can ride their E-bike from the age of 12.
  • In the case of official/public celebrations and events in the center of the city of Rome, the tour operator can replace one or more of the highlights of the itinerary.
  • Not suitable for pets.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.
  • Close to the Lepanto metro (Line A)

Meeting Point

Cancellation Policy

  • Free cancellation up to 24 hours before the start of the Tour.
  • No refund if cancellation occurs within 24 hours before the start of the experience

Best to Know Before

  • Is the tour safe? We want your cycling experience in Rome to be unforgettable and, above all, safe. For this reason, we have carefully selected our itineraries, favoring quiet roads with little traffic. Furthermore, our expert guides will accompany you at all times, providing you with all the necessary information and making sure you always feel at ease. You will be able to relax, admire the views and discover the city in a unique and authentic way.
  • The "group tour" starts with a minimum of 4 participants, if this number is not reached, you will be offered an alternative or a full refund.
  • Our group tours are up to 10 people.
  • About 80% of this tour takes place in the Villa Borghese Park, Villa Ada and on the Tiber cycle path. There is no car traffic. The remaining 20% is cycled on the roads open to traffic in the Coppedè district.
  • A minimum amount of experience with the vehicle is required (more if the bike will have a child seat or extension).
  • The guide, after a briefing, reserves the absolute and unquestionable right not to admit participants not deemed suitable due to skills or problems related to body/mind health to the tour, no refund will be issued in these cases.
  • Infants up to 20 kg traveling in a child seat and participating in the tour as our guests.
  • Children up to 139cm join the tour with a children's extension.
  • Children can ride their E-bike from the age of 12.
  • In the case of official/public celebrations and events in the center of the city of Rome, the tour operator can replace one or more of the highlights of the itinerary.
  • Not suitable for pets.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.
  • Close to the Lepanto metro (Line A)

Cancellation Policy

  • Free cancellation up to 24 hours before the start of the Tour.
  • No refund if cancellation occurs within 24 hours before the start of the experience

Additional info

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Meeting Point

Best to Know Before

  • Is the tour safe? We want your cycling experience in Rome to be unforgettable and, above all, safe. For this reason, we have carefully selected our itineraries, favoring quiet roads with little traffic. Furthermore, our expert guides will accompany you at all times, providing you with all the necessary information and making sure you always feel at ease. You will be able to relax, admire the views and discover the city in a unique and authentic way.
  • The "group tour" starts with a minimum of 4 participants, if this number is not reached, you will be offered an alternative or a full refund.
  • Our group tours are up to 10 people.
  • 100% of this tour takes place in the streets of the city center and on the Tiber cycle path. The tour runs on carefully chosen roads, but some traffic is unavoidable.
  • A minimum amount of experience with the vehicle is required (more if the bike will have a child seat or extension).
  • The guide, after a briefing, reserves the absolute and unquestionable right not to admit participants not deemed suitable due to skills or problems related to body/mind health to the tour, no refund will be issued in these cases.
  • Infants up to 20 kg traveling in a child seat and participating in the tour as our guests.
  • Children up to 139cm join the tour with a children's extension.
  • Children can ride their E-bike from the age of 12.
  • In the case of official/public celebrations and events in the center of the city of Rome, the tour operator can replace one or more of the highlights of the itinerary.
  • Not suitable for pets.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.
  • Close to the Lepanto metro (Line A)

1n/2g ⎪ Partenza: 28 Giu 2025⎪ Da € 315,00

1 notte - 2 giorni ⎪ Prossima partenza: 28 Giugno 2025 ⎪ Prezzo a partire da : € 315,00